This community is comprised of single-family homes and is located in Apopka, Florida. Associa Community Management Professionals has managed the property since 2020.
This community association faced several challenges with its previous management company, including poor communication, a lack of violations enforcement, and mismanaged accounting. With no clear inspections procedures or fine processing, the board was losing money it needed to improve the community.
Upon partnering with the community, Community ManagementProfessionals first worked to set up a regular inspections process. The management team organized a plan and completed bimonthly inspections. The team then reported to the board those that were in violation and mailed letters to homeowners. To help save money, management also started a fining committee, which reviews violations outside of legal counsel. Violations are now addressed and resolved more quickly and efficiently. The community looks and feels better, and many more homes are now in compliance. Thanks to frequent communication with homeowners via TownSq, email, and at board meetings, morale has improved and homeowners are now more educated in how to properly maintain their homes.